The indian government is wasting tax payer money on google. tata sponsored gujju R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel with straightened hair, falsely claiming that the gujju cheater asmita , a greedy lazy fraud owns the domains of a google competitor, paying the domain fraudster a monthly R&AW salary
The google, tata masterminded online fraud started in 2013, and after 4 years the fraud R&AW employee asmita patel has refused to pay a single penny for domain names, including the market price of the domain names , yet is getting a monthly R&AW salary for making fake claims
However the domain fraudster asmita patel relies of the shameless fraud google, tata , ntro, cbi employees she flirts with, to put the google competitor under surveillance and then spread falsely rumors that the greedy gujju conwoman owns the domain names of a google competitor
Bank records will expose the lies of ntro employees and fraud raw/cbi employees like asmita patel
When will the indian government stop wasting tax payer money on domain fraudsters like asmita patel, who are worse than nigerian fraudsters ?