Google, tata, ntro, cbi are ruthless in ensuring that domain investors who work online have no source of passive income, despite investing a huge amount of time and money online, unless they give the relatives and friends of the the government employees a stake in the business free of cost. As a result a domain investor is forced to consider other sources of passive income, like growing plants and keeping poultry like hens for laying eggs.
If the eggs hatch, the chicken can be sold, otherwise the eggs can be consumed daily. Most hens are laying an egg daily, costing Rs 5 or more, making it more lucrative compared to developing websites, as it often difficult to get Rs 5 in new orders as ad sales a day despite having 300 or more domains registered.
On the other hand, 300 hens will lay 300 eggs a day, total revenues Rs 1500, monthly Rs 45000 in revenues
The cost of a hen is almost the same as a domain name at around Rs 600 a hen, and a hen will live for at least a few years.
More information on birds eggs, feasibility of keeping hens and similar investments
Month: December 2017
No foreign company has paid a single penny to google, tata sponsored indore document ROBBER r&aw employee housewife veena
R&AW is paying a monthly government salary to the google, tata sponsored indore document ROBBER r&aw employee housewife veena, falsely claiming that indore document robber is an exporter, online expert and domain investor when the google, tata sponsored indore document ROBBER r&aw employee housewife veena is only looking after her house and family, has never sold any service or product to any foreign company, and has also never invested any money in domain names, websites in her life.
Why should any foreign company waste its money to pay a indore document robber housewife who is only looking after her house and family, is not doing any work online, not investing any money online
No one denied the fact that indore document robber R&AW employee veena and her associates are bribing some of the most powerful top ntro, raw, cbi employees to make fake claims that she owns the paypal account of the relative whose documents she stole, however bank details, income tax records will easily prove that the google, tata sponsored indore document ROBBER r&aw employee housewife veena has never made any money online in her life.
R&AW and its employees could always purchase the business of the google competitor whose documents veena stole, however they are not willing to pay the market price, yet are making fake claims about website ownership
Income tax returns will prove the fact that google, tata supplied SEX worker, fraud R&AW/CBI employees do not have a paypal account
The goan government and indian government is giving great powers and a monthly government salary to the google, tata supplied SEX worker R&AW employees and other frauds like indore R&AW employee document robber housewife veena , falsely claiming that these sex workers and frauds are online experts, and exporters increasing the fiscal deficit.
However income tax returns, bank records will easily prove that the indian and goan government are involved in a major financial fraud as the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree and paypal account are not making a single penny online with paypal and have never made any money online in their life . As they have never made any money online , they do not have the right to be called exporters as it is very difficult to make money from exports due to the high level of competition and disclaimers which have to be placed
These google, tata sponsored frauds have also not worked as engineers and have not invested any money online
These 10 google, tata sponsored sex worker, fraud R&AW/CBI employees have got their job only for bribing or having powerful friends and relatives, stealing the resume. When NTRO,cbi and other government employees like the fraud puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, parmar, patel make fake claims about domain, paypal account ownership , they are in reality defaming the real paypal account holder, google competitor and domain investor wasting indian tax payer money in the process.