In one of the greatest frauds of GREEDY LIAR FRAUD NTRO/raw employees led by mhow monster puneet, since 2010 which the indian mainstream media, other bloggers, websites will not cover, the ntro/raw employees, falsely claimed to own the assets, domains, domain names of a single woman engineer who they HATED to destroy her life completely , subject her to the most horrific human rights abuses in india
The GREEDY LIAR FRAUD NTRO/raw employees led by mhow monster puneet always HATED the single woman engineer, the btech 1993 ee classmate of some of the ntro/raw employees and never contacted her anytime in her life, never helped in any way at all
Yet being extremely CUNNING, CRUEL and shameless frauds, and excellent actors the GREEDY LIAR FRAUD NTRO/raw employees led by mhow monster puneet falsely claimed to own the assets, bank account, domains of a single woman engineer who they HATED to destroy her life completely, ruin her reputation, CHEAT, EXPLOIT, TORTURE her for the rest of her life,
The single woman engineer, also the goa 1989 jee topper is very hardworking, and like other engineers, domain investor she had worked hard for savings, taking the risk of investing money in domains, paying the domain renewal fees alone
yet supported by the extremely GREEDY FRAUD SHAMELESS indian tech and internet companies led by google, tata, the pathological LIAR, cunning, cruel ntro/raw employees started falsely claiming that the domains of a private citizen, who they hated, never helped belonged to them and their lazy greedy shameless fraud girlfriends and associates like the greedy gujju stockbroker raw employee amita patel featured in hindu business line, moneycontrol
Though the goa 1989 jee topper is complaining loudly, the indian government shows its complete lack of honesty and humanity, continuting to repeat the obvious lies of its SHAMELESS FRAUD LIAR employees who do not pay for and control the domains, yet get away with their domain ownership, FINANCIAL FRAUD because google, tata, LIAR indian tech and internet companies support domain ownership, FINANCIAL FRAUD
Domains are always available for sale, yet google, tata, indian internet , tech companies being extremely greedy SHAMELESS FRAUDS, LIARS refuse to purchase the domains, question the LIAR NTRO/raw/cbi employees on their domain ownership, online income fraud taking advantage of the fact that the goa 1989 jee topper is a single woman engineer from one of the poorest communities in india with no one to help or defend her