In One of the biggest government slavery rackets, computer work at home frauds in the world, Led by google, tata, DISHONEST LIAR indian tech internet companies ruthless CHEATING, EXPLOITING investors, professsionals from poor communities to make GREEDY SHAMELESS DISHONEST communities like sindhis, gujjus, goans, shivalli brahmins even richer in government slavery racket
The mainly brahmin, bania, goan bhandari, goan, shivalli brahmin ntro, raw, cbi employees are openly involved in massive CYBERCRIME, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION racket on hardworking indian paypal account holders from poorer and powerless communities like bhandari community of karwar/kumta, stealing all their data , and then falsely claiming to own their bank account, domains including this one to get monthly government salaries without doing any kind of computer work, at the expense of the hardworking honest person from the poor, powerless communities
So because they are experts in CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, CYBERCRIME, the rich communities are getting monthly government salaries without doing any computer work, without investing money in domains, webhosting and computer hardware to become even richer, while professionals, investors from poorer communities are systematically denied the income and opportunities they deserved because of government slavery, policy of blindly believing the rich and powerful fraudsters.
The shameless FRAUD LIAR goan bhandari officials, leaders led by the frauds pritesh chodankar, naik are the worst in their atrocities on poorer communities to get lazy greedy goan bhandari CALL GIRLS like sunaina chodan providing sex services, her lazy scammer sisters and cousin teji, who do no computer work, government jobs with fake bank account, domains. The panaji shameless scammer sindhi, gujju, goan officials are also extremely aggressive and shameless in their computer work fraud.
Being extremely SHAMELESS GREEDY DISHONEST the rich and powerful communities, officials are falsely claiming that the domain names, bank account of the hardworking single woman domain investor, belong to the cruel fraud LIAR mainly brahmin and bania ntro/raw employees like mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, parmar, vijay who HATE the single woman, have never met, helped or interacted with her and the FRAUD GREEDY LIAR officials cannot provide any proof of interaction
It is time that the people, companies and countries worldwide are aware of the government slavery, FINANCIAL, EDUCATIONAL, computer work at home fraud in India, cheating, exploiting and robbing poor communities to make rich and powerful communities like the shivalli brahmins, goan bhandaris, sindhi and gujjus richer and more powerful at the expense of the poorer communities.