The domain investor is complaining about Indian internet sector FINANCIAL FRAUD on single woman domain investor, mainly because it is causing in cheque clearing delays and wastage of time especially in goa.
Earlier the domain investor was facing a problem with her sbi account cheque deposits, now she is facing for icici account also.
The domain investor has submitted all the documents for her current account, there are many indians like Daniel Webard receiving payment from similar or same sources, yet only because google, tata sponsored LIAR FRAUD greedy raw/cbi employees who do no computer work, do not invest money in domains, are falsely claiming to own her paypal, bank account and get monthly government salaries
These raw/cbi employees are aware that the bank account does not belong to them, yet they shamelessly and falsely claim to own the bank account of a private citizen who they HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME since 2010 and cause cheque clearing delays repeatedly in goa