One of the reasons why the sindhi community is extremely rich and powerful is because they are extremely ruthless in robbing the savings, resume of bhandari professionals taking advantage of the dishonesty of bhandari/obc leaders/officials like goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar/naik only interested in rewarding their lazy greedy CALL GIRL relative raw employee sunaina chodan married to gsb photographer
Though the Panaji/kolhapur shameless sindhi scammer school dropout housewife cbi employee naina premchandani has only studied till eighth standard and was illegally married at the age of 16, to her scammer husband 16 years senior and has only lived in goa since then as a housewife, showing how audacious the LIAR sindhi officials/leaders are in their FINANCIAL,EDUCATIONAL FRAUD on professionals from other communities they have allegedly got Panaji/kolhapur shameless sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina premchandani a cbi job FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, her resume, savings
For this Panaji/kolhapur shameless sindhi scammer school dropout housewife cbi employee naina premchandani has allegedly seduced 4 top indian government employees parmar, nikhil shah, tushar parekh, puneet from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, who are abusing their powers to steal the data of their female classmate who they hate and then duping companies, countries and people with fake stories abou their sindhi sex queen naina premchandani
Indicating the lack of professionalism in government agencies, they are blindly believing the complete lies of the sex bribe taking top indian government employees who are making fake claims about sindhi scammer school dropout housewife cbi employee naina premchandani to get her and her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, government jobs in the internet sector, faking bank account, domain ownership.
The domain investor had opened her NPS account in goa and is using the goa address, so the shameless sindhi scammer school dropout housewife cbi employee naina premchandani is allegedly falsely claiming to own the account, showing that there is no end to the sindhi financial frauds.