Bank records will expose google, tata , NTRO, CBI paypal fraud

Google, tata , NTRO, CBI employees pretend to be very honest saints when they viciously defame harmless paypal account holders however Google, tata , NTRO, CBI employees are openly involved in a very major banking paypal account fraud. Google, tata , NTRO, CBI employees are falsely claiming that 10 lazy greedy mediocre goan call girl, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are online experts, paypal account holders to justify the wastage of indian tax payer money , paying them a monthly government salary.
However if the banking records of these 10 google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees are checked , it can be easily proved that these women never received a single penny through Paypal in their life and are extremely unlikely to do so, as they do not know much about computers. However 7 years after the fraud started in 2010, Google, tata , NTRO, CBI employees continue to repeat their complete lies like parrots falsely claim that sex workers like sunaina, siddhi servicing them own the paypal account of a private citizen, google competitor

Like all frauds the Google, tata , NTRO, CBI employees will never be able to defend their banking paypal fraud in an open debate, yet are allowed to waste tax payer money to dupe a large number of people and companies.

Goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak stealing smses,phone calls, like ministers steal businesses, property

The media report on the loss of SAD BJP in Punjab showed exactly the same trend as the cause of the losses of BJP in goa, ministers and those in power grabbing land, businesses and assets of vulnerable citizens , abusing their powers . The week has a detailed report, where it is mentioned that Congress won in Punjab because business owners were tired of how the Badals grabbed their business.
Business owners are taking a lot of risk when they start a business , spending a lot of time and money and when politicians think that it is their birthright to grab the business, filing fake cases , these business owners are discouraged. When no one wishes to start a business in Punjab and goa because politicians or powerful officials will grab it, there is a lot of unemployment in the state.
The mainstream media in india, controlled by google, tata is treating the google, tata sponsored Goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife extortionist riddhi nayak , who looks like bollywood actress kangana ranaut , as a celebrity, however she is openly involved in stealing smses, phone calls of any person residing in panaji, goa, just like the corrupt politicians are grabbing, stealing land, businesses and other assets of harmless citizens, without paying the market price.

When farmers are starving why waste money on google tata sponsored fraud wealthy housewives with fake resumes, fake investment, fake work

Many of the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees falsely claiming to be domain investors , paypal account holders are wealthy enough, as their husbands are making enough money, and can afford to keep 3 to 4 servants daily for keeping their very posh homes clean .
Just because google wishes to humiliate, deny income and opportunities to a google competitor , why is the indian government wasting indian tax payer money to pay a monthly salary to all the frauds who are cheating, exploiting, defaming and stalking the google competitor with fake resumes, fake investment, fake work.
Google is making millions of dollars in profit, it can easily take over the online business of its competitor, however the fraud google employees are bribing cbi, ntro employees to waste indian tax payer money to humiliate, deny income and opportunities to a harmless google competitor, so that google is making more profit.

Why is indian tax payer money being wasted to increase the profit of google and other internet companies, why not on starving farmers all over india, who are protesting at Jantar Mantar with skulls of other farmers who committed suicide due to lack of money

Pratima bhatia another covergirl look alike of google, tata sponsored goan sex worker R&AW employee sunaina

Though the lazy greedy slim google, tata sponsored westernized goan obc bhandari SEX WORKER, call girl RAW EMPLOYEE sunaina chodnekar, 2013 bsc who has SEX with top NTRO, CBI, security agency officials is recruited by the indian government only for having sex with top cbi, ntro, security agency employees, has almost no experience or investment of her own, the powerful fraud google, tata , ntro, cbi, security agency employees having sex with sunaina are shameless in promoting her falsely claiming that R&AW employee sunaina, sex worker owns the impressive investment, resume including btech 1993 ee of a google competitor .
They are persuading all magazines which the google competitor is subscribing to feature a look alike of the goan sex worker R&AW employee sunaina (and goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak) on their cover falsely claiming that the goan sex worker is paying for the magazines when the google, tata sponsored goan sex worker R&AW employee is not spending any money at all, only offering sex bribes to powerful fraud google,tata, ntro, cbi employees
For example the week featured Pratima Bhatia , a look alike of goan sex queen sunaina on its cover of the issue titled “sophisticated simplicity” . she was wearing a dark blue off shoulder dress, with halter neck and a long slit to show off her legs
When the google, tata sponsored goan sex queen sunaina does not pay a single penny or paisa towards the credit card bills, online purchases, for magazine or newspaper subscription, does not contribute to the content, why are ntro, cbi, google, tata employees spreading false rumors duping so many companies, people with their lies that the sex worker sunaina, a lazy fraud controls websites and content

What is the name of the top indian government employee obsessed with goan sex queen R&AW employee sunaina chodnekar , that he is duping so many people

Why does no one question google, tata’s financial fraud online

Google, tata are involved in a major financial fraud online, falsely claiming that 10 lazy greedy mediocre fraud RAW/CBI/indian intelligence employee faking a btech 1993 ee degree especially slim westernized goan obc bhandari SEX WORKER, call girl RAW EMPLOYEE sunaina chodnekar, 2013 bsc who has SEX with top NTRO, CBI, security agency officials, eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina mother of two sons, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak siddhi mandrekar, bespectacled indore housewife veena,fair and lovely deepika, shivalli brahmin fraud housewife nayanshree hathwar,asmita patel,ruchika and others who have never made any money online or invested any money online are internet experts, domain investors, to pay all these frauds a monthly indian government salary.
Financial, bank records, income tax returns clearly indicate that these tata, google sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees have never made a single paisa online and have also never invested a single penny online, yet the cbi, ntro, indian government employees are blindly believing the complete lies of google, tata employees especially in panaji, goa
Cbi, ntro, security agency employees pretend to be very concerned about honesty and tax evasion, yet why is no effort being made to verify whether the google, tata employees are telling the truth or just making up stories for their profit
Science and technology is based on facts and evidence, why is no effort being made to verify the financial fraud or facts by ntro before giving google, tata sponsored frauds great powers, lucrative indian intelligence jobs.

Who will work without being paid money?

One of the greatest examples of the fraud of ntro, cbi, google, tata employees is how they are falsely claiming that various well connected cheater women all over india are online experts and domain investors to get them great powers, indian intelligence jobs . However checking the bank records, income tax returns of these google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees will prove that these google, tata sponsored lazy fraud indian intelligence employees have never made any money online in their life, and have never invested any money online in their life .
How is a person who has never made any money online considered to be a top online expert in India, can the indian government, google, tata employees explain in an open debate?
Alternately who will work online without being paid money, can google, tata, cbi, ntro explain?
Private companies like google, tata may spread any rumors they wish to, to defame their competitor, yet why are cbi, ntro, indian government employees blindly believing these complete lies and appointing the frauds to indian intelligence jobs, wasting indian tax payer money paying all these frauds a monthly indian government salary.
Alternately how much bribe money is google, tata paying ntro, cbi employees to spread false rumors, abusing their powers, does anyone know?

Money trail exposes google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife extortionist riddhi nayak

CBI falsely accuses innocent harmless obc engineers of money laundering, tax evasion without any proof at all however cbi itself is wasting a lot of indian tax payer money on lazy mediocre fraud cbi employees faking their resumes in a vyapam type fraud.
Lazy greedy mediocre Google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife extortionist riddhi nayak (looks like kangana ranaut) who did not answer JEE or get an engineering degree, yet are getting a monthly cbi salary for falsely claiming to have the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of a single woman obc bhandari engineer.
Fraud ntro employee vijay stole the impressive resume of his female btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman obc bhandari engineer, for the goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, to get her a cbi job, because the powerful goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, nayak, mandrekar would help his career.
In reality the lazy mediocre goan gsb fraud cbi employee riddhi nayak was only interested in getting married when she was 17 or 18, and was least interested in answering JEE or becoming an engineer. After completing her education she got married to a powerful fraud intelligence official who specialized in stealing the resume of obc engineers . The goan gsb fraud cbi employee riddhi nayak has never held a job (other than the cbi job gifted by google, tata) , worked outside goa in her life , yet shamelessly and falsely claims to have the impressive resume, investment of a harmless single woman obc engineer, who her powerful fraud friends and relatives have slandered without any proof at all
The powerful goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, nayak, mandrekar in indian intelligence and security agencies are aware of the fact that repeating lies for years creates the illusion of truth , so they repeating their lies promoting their relative riddhi nayak like parrots for more than 7 years. However bank records, income tax returns, bone ossification test will easily prove that goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak does not have a btech 1993 ee degree or any large investment of her own, online or offline

Money discussions – financial fraud of cbi, ntro

Exposing the great online, financial, fraud in history, as the indian government falsely claims that 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored lazy greedy mediocre goan call girls, cheater housewives and other frauds , who never answered JEE, yet falsely claim to have the resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment and paypal account of a google competitor, harmless single woman engineer, to get R&AW/ CBI/indian intelligence jobs with monthly salary
The money trail will expose the fact that google, tata, ntro, cbi employees involved in the fraud are shameless pathological liars taking bribes to defame a harmless google competitor

Kindly note that the 10 lazy greedy mediocre fraud RAW/CBI/indian intelligence employee faking a btech 1993 ee degree especially slim westernized goan obc bhandari SEX WORKER, call girl RAW EMPLOYEE sunaina chodnekar, 2013 bsc who has SEX with top NTRO, CBI, security agency officials, eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina mother of two sons, goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak who looks like bollywood actress kangana ranaut, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, bespectacled indore housewife veena,fair and lovely deepika, shivalli brahmin fraud housewife nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, ruchika are NOT associated with the website in anyway as they do not wish to spend any money online or do any work online. Income tax returns will easily prove their lies.

However the iit kharagpur 1993 gold medalist sundar pichai led google, tata have allegedly bribed fraud top NTRO officials like j srinivasan, puneet j, vijay to falsely claim 8-10 goan SEX WORKERS, CHEATER HOUSEWIVES an other frauds who never answered JEE were their btech 1993 ee classmate, domain investors and online experts to get all these google, tata sponsored FRAUD indian intelligence employees a monthly salary of $300 or more each in a clear indication of the rampant corruption in India in the indian internet sector.