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After 7 years, the true colours of the google, tata employees who masterminded the identity theft fraud has become apparent, as they are shameless section 420 frauds worse than nigerian 419 fraudsters ruthlessly defaming, cheating, exploiting a harmless single woman domain investor.
When the lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/CBI employees were not interested in investing in domain names , on what basis were NTRO employees falsely claiming that these lazy greedy mediocre fraud women ,owned the expensive domain names of a google competitor to pay all these lazy fraud women a monthly indian government salary.
7 years after the online fraud started in 2010, the 10 google, tata sponsored R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are not able to provide any financial proof that they are actually paying for the domain names, then why are ntro, cbi employees falsely claiming that these lazy greedy mediocre women own the domain names of the google competitor
Why were financial records not checked earlier by NTRO, before appointing these women to intelligence jobs. After 7 years, why does the domain investor have to repeatedly focus on bank, financial records to expose the google, tata masterminded identity theft, which has resulted in the wastage of a huge amount of indian tax payer money